Bse Bankex Historical Data since 2014 with price change and percnetage change in graphs and charts.  Visualise and  analyze data in line and bar and column charts with filters to create option backtesting system for  trading and generating high ROI. You can also compare this with Sensex Historical Data and Bank Nifty Historical Data to get better insights.

You can check how many times Bankex has gap up or gap down in terms of percentage in any year or month, alterativetly you can filter this data by day if you want to see how it behaves on specific day.

The historical data of the BSE Bankex shows how the banking sector in India has performed over the years. Since it was created, the index has tracked the ups and downs of the banking industry, reflecting changes in the economy. Events like economic slowdowns, government policies, and global financial crises have had an impact on the index. By looking at past data, investors can better understand how the banking sector has developed and use this information to predict future trends in the market. This data is helpful for analyzing the stability and growth of banks in India.

Bse Bankex Historical Data

Bse Bankex Historical Data in Excel

Bankex Index Historical Data

Symbol Date Open High Low Close Change Change % Gap Up Gap up %
Bankex 2014/01/01 13,042.38 13,058.30 12,975.97 13,010.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bankex 2014/01/02 13,026.06 13,225.73 12,739.19 12,774.11 -236.28 -1.82 15.67 0.12
Bankex 2014/01/03 12,702.59 12,810.24 12,629.72 12,775.10 0.99 0.01 -71.52 -0.56
Bankex 2014/01/06 12,766.25 12,766.25 12,573.72 12,631.37 -143.73 -1.13 -8.85 -0.07
Bankex 2014/01/07 12,702.78 12,757.35 12,456.94 12,608.32 -23.05 -0.18 71.41 0.57
Bankex 2014/01/08 12,655.38 12,708.80 12,562.83 12,625.87 17.55 0.14 47.06 0.37
Bankex 2014/01/09 12,647.44 12,670.02 12,484.27 12,532.13 -93.74 -0.74 21.57 0.17
Bankex 2014/01/10 12,535.05 12,631.59 12,320.01 12,338.80 -193.33 -1.54 2.92 0.02
Bankex 2014/01/13 12,390.07 12,645.04 12,377.57 12,590.05 251.25 2.04 51.27 0.42
Bankex 2014/01/14 12,576.95 12,639.64 12,473.47 12,507.27 -82.78 -0.66 -13.10 -0.10
Bankex 2014/01/15 12,556.15 12,746.88 12,544.60 12,706.61 199.34 1.59 48.88 0.39
Bankex 2014/01/16 12,782.46 12,782.46 12,643.95 12,680.52 -26.09 -0.21 75.85 0.60
Bankex 2014/01/17 12,645.32 12,655.55 12,441.25 12,481.08 -199.44 -1.57 -35.20 -0.28
Bankex 2014/01/20 12,457.53 12,595.21 12,427.30 12,574.74 93.66 0.75 -23.55 -0.19
Bankex 2014/01/21 12,643.32 12,783.04 12,616.49 12,769.51 194.77 1.55 68.58 0.55
Bankex 2014/01/22 12,748.72 12,851.38 12,678.39 12,801.43 31.92 0.25 -20.79 -0.16
Bankex 2014/01/23 12,746.60 12,824.80 12,707.46 12,796.86 -4.57 -0.04 -54.83 -0.43
Bankex 2014/01/24 12,626.83 12,728.29 12,543.24 12,556.16 -240.70 -1.88 -170.03 -1.33
Bankex 2014/01/27 12,322.77 12,322.77 12,025.09 12,057.06 -499.10 -3.97 -233.39 -1.86
Bankex 2014/01/28 12,071.76 12,251.02 11,829.53 12,020.48 -36.58 -0.30 14.70 0.12
Bankex 2014/01/29 12,140.49 12,176.18 11,900.03 11,937.04 -83.44 -0.69 120.01 1.00
Bankex 2014/01/30 11,735.35 11,796.44 11,564.70 11,618.68 -318.36 -2.67 -201.69 -1.69
Bankex 2014/01/31 11,674.31 11,737.25 11,592.96 11,712.31 93.63 0.81 55.63 0.48
Bankex 2014/02/03 11,661.77 11,692.32 11,540.63 11,554.48 -157.83 -1.35 -50.54 -0.43
Bankex 2014/02/04 11,387.63 11,687.93 11,373.07 11,659.04 104.56 0.90 -166.85 -1.44

Nifty Intraday Iron Condoor ATM +300 Result