
Earn Money Online by Free Backtesting


You can make money and increase your ROI by doing Backtest free Nifty and Bank Nifty Option trading strategies like Short and
Long Straddles and Strangles, Iron Condor, Butterfly, Calendar Spread,
Bull and Bear Call and Put Spread, Expiry Day Straddle by Free
Backtesting Software India and code them in python


NIfty Intraday Option Strategies Backtest

Backtest NIfty  Intraday Strategies which makes consistent money and generates higher ROI.

The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient


To create Financial Success Stories


To be best in the Eyes of Traders​

Why Choose us

Stop paying and & Save Your Money by Free Backtesting

Free Option Backtesting of NSE Stocks and Indices ( Nifty, Bank Nifty, Fin Nifty & Bank Nifty )


Nifty Backtesting

Short Straddle

Short Strangle

Iron Condoor

Iron Fly


Bank Nifty Backtesting

9:20 Straddle

Weekly Stradle

Monthly Straddle

Expiry Day Straddle


Fin Nifty Backtesting




Expiry Day


Midcap Nifty Backtesting

Bull Call Spread

Bear Put Spread

Naked Call

Naked Put

Trading is all about having an Edge. Backtesting gives you an Edge

Option Strategies That Consistently Make Money

Short Straddle

Sell ATM Call & Put of Same Strike and Expiry.

Long Straddle

Buy ATM Call and Put of Same Strike and Expiry

Short Strangle

Sell OTM Call and Put of far Strike of Same Expiry

Long Strangle

Buy OTM Call and Put of far Strike of Same Expiry.

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Why Backtesting?

We're Redefining Way you Backtest Option Stategies

Option Backtesting Software Free for traders who want to do systematic trading. There several strategies which you can do free backtesting which will help you become profitable.

100% Free

You can do free backtesting of option strategies

UNlimited Backtesing

Why limit yourself to few credit. backtest as much you want

"Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas." — Paul Samuelson

our option strategies

Best backtested Strategies to make Huge Profits

These are option strategies which have been backtested in bull, bear and sideways market with India Vix Ranging from 10 to 80 and given a good ROI and giving better returns than FD with limited draw down. So you can rely on this strategies.


Bank Nifty 920 Straddle

Bactest Since 2017

The Most Profitable Short Straddle


50% / Per Year


BankNifty Monthly Straddle

Bactest Since 2017

Generate Passive Income by this Straddle


60% / Per Year


NIfty Short Straddle

for regular monthly income

Upto 40% ROI better than Bank FD with limited risk.


40% / Per Year

free Option Backtesting for better ROI

The most famous and loved strategy of traders is 9:20 Short Straddle and Other Short Straddles. Backtest them free of charge

9:20 Short Straddle
Bank Nifty Weekly Straddle
100% Stoploss Short Straddle
Backtesting is the only way to test algorithmic trading strategies. Doing it right will give you the best chance.

recent backtesting


Find our more strategies

Backtesting is a process which is used by traders to evaluate a trading strategy.( Profit & Loss, Draw down, Expectancy). This is done on  historical data which shows how the strategy has performed in the past. this helps traders to take dcision whethgr to implement strategy or not.

I have come across many traders who did not have enough funds to access paid backtesting tools or apps. so they were not able to find whether their strategy is working or not. and in effect they suffered losses. so to help them we created this free backtesting website

Yes this is a totally free backtesting website. and its our promise that we will never charge anything to anyone/ However if you like our work you can donate some amount to us.

You can back test Straddles, Strangles, Spreads Naked Call and Put, Iron Condoor and Iron Fly and Futures 

We provide backtesting of Nifty, Fin Nifty, Midcap Nifty, Bank Nifty, Sensex and Bankex Option Strategies.

No we dont have any subscription plan.

benefits of Free Backtesting

"Returns matter a lot. It's our capital." — Abigail Johnson

How to perform Free Backtesing

Step by Step Guide

  1. Define Clear Cut Rules. What time and on what conditions you will enter and exit trade. Stop loss and Trailing 
    Stop loss to manage risk and secure profits. and target profits 
  2.  Historical Data : Collect historical data and backtest it in different market scenarios.
  3. Run the Backtesting Software: Start backtest and apply the trading strategy on historical data and see results. 

  4. Analyze Returns : Pay attention to all details such as drawdowns, winning streak, losing streak, ROI, Transaction costs and slippages

  5. Optimization : Identify Strength and weakness of strategy. Optimize it for better results.

Why Backtesting ?